Meet Our Donors

Donor 4
Kurt, with his favorite granddaughter, Emily

Kurt, with his favorite granddaughter, Emily

After my wife Karen died, I began to appreciate much more the organizations to which she had been so devoted. Yale was always her favorite, and I began to look for ways that my giving could keep her commitment alive.

I decided to make a bequest to Yale. Trouble was, I had just re-written my will, and I didn't want to go the time and expense of having a new document drawn just to add a bequest to Yale.

My lawyer told me that I could set up the gift through a codicil to my existing will. She told me that a codicil is a simple document that makes specific changes to a will – like adding a charitable bequest – but leaves everything else alone. It's a great solution for making minor adjustments to an estate plan you're otherwise happy with.

She had the codicil ready for me to sign in two days – and now I can rest easy knowing that the organization that meant so much to Karen will be hearing from her once again.

Have Questions?

Planning your estate and legacy for future generations, including your charitable interests, takes careful evaluation. Consulting with the appropriate professionals can assist you.